6 Jan 25
January Shortages
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The above are our current shortages, if you are able to help with a donation of one or more of these items we would be incredibly grateful
21 Oct 24
Sainsbury’s Autumn Collection
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Thank you to everyone who donated money and food to Brentwood Foodbank (Trussell Trust) at the collection day in Sainsbury’s Brentwood on Saturday Brentwood community are amazing and we are humbled by their generosity. #brentwood #sainsburys #donations
11 Oct 24
Local MP visit
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We were happy to welcome Alex Burghart our local MP to our warehouse the other week, we talked about our work in the local community and explained the reasons people are being referred to us in ever increasing numbers.
26 Aug 24
This Weeks Shortages – Monday 26/8/24
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These are this weeks shortages at @brentwoodfoodbank If vou are able to donate any of these items we would be incredibly grateful thank you All our normal donation points are open – Sainsburys – Tesco Express and many others listed on our website or just send me a message. Every can matters, no donation is […]
22 Aug 24
Calcott Farm Sunflowers
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A massive thank you to the guys from Calcott Farm for doing such an amazing charity event. They have planted a field on sunflowers that the public can pick for a donation to one of their chosen charities, of which Brentwood Foodbank is one. There is no entry fee to the field or price for […]
13 Jun 24
13th June 2024 – Shortages
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If you can help with any of these items it would be greatly appreciated as sadly demand on our services continues to grow.
23 May 24
School Uniform Bank
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Aaron, our Youth Pastor, is collaborating with Barnardo’s to establish a School Uniform Bank in Brentwood. Do you have any good quality second-hand secondary school uniform to contribute to this fantastic new initiative? Donations of black & grey trousers/skirts and white shirts/blouses, etc., can be dropped off at Doddinghurst Road Community Church on Tuesdays and […]